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 "MA" JOKES -- A little background.    (Scroll down to view actual "Ma" Jokes)
   "Ma" was a hilarious old woman on the 80's sitcom Golden Girls, played by Estelle Geddy. How "Ma" became the subject of perhaps the earliest form of octopus humor is vague. Contributing factors may include: Ma's spunky character, Ma's funny appearance (enhanced by huge glasses), the pathetic concept of four old women living together, and the fact that Golden Girls was far from a cool show for boys our age to be watching. One thing is certain: "Ma" jokes filled many a night with mirth and great gaiety.

"Ma" Jokes -- this is a small selection, more are currently being developed.
1. Ma jokes are funny because...
    A. Ma is old and funny looking.
    B. They are a mixture of wit and irony.
    C. Ma's real name is Henry Toboganus.

2. Ma's favorite movie is...
    A. Star Wars
    B. Terminator
    C. Sister Act 3 "The Revenge of Sisters!"

3. Ma bought...
    A. a loaf of bread.
    B. a can of beef stroganauff.
    C. the farm

4a. Ma works part time as a...
    A. stewardess
    B. nurse
    C. whore

** The beauty of "Ma" jokes is that the openings can be repeated with
   different choices. **

4b. Ma works part time as a...
    A. stewardess
    B. butcher
    C. master of masters

5. Ma...
    A. is a phone-sex operator.
    B. plays lacrosse.
    C. is a madge.

6. Ma wants to...
    A. get better health care.
    B. complete her crossword puzzle.
    C. rule the Universe and forever be known as "King Oluseyi Olagunju".

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